E-Mobility: Simply for everyone
The Austrian Federal Association for Electric Mobility (BEÖ) is committed to converting mobility in Austria to electric mobility by using renewable energies.
Electromobility stands at the beginning of a new era: smart, quiet and environmentally friendly. Growing environmental awareness, interconnected technologies and the change of usage patterns requires new mobility solutions today. Due to its holistic approach, e-mobility offers great potential and is the key technology towards a climate- and eco-friendly mobility.
One of the main tasks of BEÖ is to improve the legal framework for a rapid expansion of e-mobility. Furthermore BEÖ advocated for incentive systems to change over to e-vehicles. Together with its member companies it creates a nationwide, eRoaming-capable charging infrastructure with electricity from renewable energy sources. In order to achieve these goals, the BEÖ connects actors from politics, businesses and NGOs, promotes the further development of e-mobility in research projects and informs the public about e-mobility.
Andreas Reinhardt: BEÖ Chair
On August 1, 2021, Andreas Reinhardt was appointed new chair of BEÖ. Reinhardt is head of energy service development division of Linz Strom Gas Wärme GmbH. In this division Mr. Reinhardt establishes new energy services in the field of e mobility and renewable energy production. From 2010 to 2016 Mr. Reinhardt was responsible for operation and development of the electric power distribution grid of LINZ AG in the area of Linz. From 1996 to 2010 he covered different positions in the development of robot control systems in a well-known Austrian automation company.
Beside this occupation, Mr. Reinhardt is engaged as lecturer for E Mobility and energy systems at FH Hagenberg since 2016.
E-asy for everyone
With 27.000 charging points, including 10.000 in the BEÖ network, Austria is already one of Europe’s pioneers in developing public charging stations. “The domestic energy companies (members of BEÖ) have invested massively in the expansion of the charging infrastructure in recent years,” says BEÖ chair Andreas Reinhardt. “We at BEÖ also want to promote private charging, in order to make e-mobility even more suitable for everyday use! Because 90 percent of all charges take place at home or at workplace. Especially in urban areas, we urgently need legal adjustments and simplifications in housing law,” says Reinhardt.
Austrian Federal Association for Electric Mobility (BEÖ)
Andreas Reinhardt
Secretary General
Merima Zukan
Mobile +43 660 612 51 37
Press Contact
Peter Sitte
Tel.: +43 664 340 59 96
Members of BEÖ-Board
Andreas Reinhardt, Vorsitzender
Linz AG
Thomas Titz
Franz Schölsner
Salzburg AG
Stefan Hartmann
illwerke vkw AG
Stefan Forst
KELAG-Kärntner Elektrizitäts-Aktiengesellschaft
Lukas Wallner
IKB Innsbrucker Kommunalbetriebe AG
Christoph Leitinger
Energie AG Oberösterreich Vertrieb GmbH
Philipp Marinitsch
Energie Steiermark Kunden GmbH
Josef Neuhold
Energie Graz GmbH
Alexander Pultz
BE Solution GmbH
Regina Gavilà
Wien Energie GmbH
Andreas Burger
TINEXT (TIWAG-Next Energy Solution GmbH)
Roman Itzinger
Wels Strom GmbH
The e-charging roaming Network
E-Charging stations in Austria can be found here.